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Add keywords

Add your keywords easily in SmartKeyword.

Written by Celina
Updated over a week ago

You can add keywords into your SmartKeyword account to know which ones to work on first. We will see in this document how to do so.

When you first login:

When you first log in to SmartKeyword, the home screen guides you through the steps of adding the keywords you want to work on. There are two ways to do this as shown below. Click on one of the options to start adding your keywords.

If this is not your first connection:

From the main menu, click on the "My Keywords" tab, then click on the "manage my keywords" option

Then you will have the choice between 2 ways to add keywords:

  • Add manually

  • Import an Excel file

  1. Add keywords manually : choose the keyword language, keyword group (if any) and list each keyword, 1 per line.

Note that you need to press "enter" to create a keyword group

2. Import an Excel file : with this method, you can add a long list of keywords grouped in several tags, all at once. On the Excel file, you have to list the keywords in the 1st column with the title "keyword", and its keyword group in the 2nd column with the title "tag 1".

Daily / weekly tracking

With SmartKeyword, you can track some of your keywords (the most competitive or the most important for example) on a daily basis. To do this, you must, at the import, choose to track your keywords on a daily basis:

  • For keywords added manually, check the update frequency box:

  • For keywords added via an excel import :

Tips :

When you want to change the keywords you track daily, you just need to extract your keywords, modify the excel sheet and then re-import the modified list. This will automatically change the monitoring frequency of your keywords.

You are able to choose the keywords you want to track on a daily basis and change the daily tracking to weekly tracking without having to delete/modify your keyword groups.

ATTENTION ❗️ Choosing to track a keyword daily, is equivalent to tracking 7 keywords in total. This is to be taken into account as you have a maximum limit of keyword tracking for your account.

You can always contact the SmartKeyword team if you want to increase the total number of keywords you want to track :)

In any case, you will be notified in your account when you cannot add any more keywords.

How to group your keywords ?

Grouping your keywords by tag allows you to categorize your keywords by theme, which will allow you to follow your positioning on specific themes and niches.

Menu of your keywords and information

Once you have added your keywords, you are back on the "keywords" functionality page and you can access analysis criteria that will allow you to categorize your keywords according to the information you want to get from them.

Good to know:

  1. You can add a group to any keyword already present in the app. This does not delete any data and the history of the keyword in question is kept.

  2. You can add keywords by doing an import without affecting the existing keywords and groups. This will create the history of these keywords from the date of your import.

  3. You can delete and rename your groups using the "Keyword groups management" option:

4. Group all your keywords : You can also modify the grouping of your keywords. See this dedicated article.

You now have all the keys to add new keywords and increase your traffic and your referencing in the first Google results, it's up to you!

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