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Rich Snippets
Rich Snippets

SmartKeyword is going to tell you everything about the interpretation of rich snippets on a given keyword.

Written by Celina
Updated over a week ago

For each keyword added to your account, SmartKeyword indicates the presence of rich snippets on Google’s first page. We will see in this document how to interpret this information.

The different types of rich snippets

In order to present the information as quickly as possible and in a useful format for the Internet user, Google displays rich snippets, that is to say results extracted from the best websites for the question asked and formatted in a useful way. For example: geographic maps, answers written directly in the results page, image or video carousels, or a few questions asked around the same topic with their associated answers.

Here's a visual example of each rich snippet.

Google Maps

When the Internet user is looking for a geographical location, Google will most often display a map. Here is an example with the keywords "hairdresser New York City Manhattan".

Answer Box

When the Internet user asks a frequently asked question, Google will display a written answer directly on the results page, for example for the keyword "who walked on the moon".

Or in the form of a text answer with an image, as below with “mass tourism” keywords:

You should keep in mind that this type of answer will increase because Google, and in particular via Google Home and voice search, always wants to be more of a “response engine” than a “search engine”.


When the search is suitable, Google displays a carousel of images or videos, for example for the keyword "Los Angeles attractions".

People also ask

When the user's question is part of a theme of questions asked by many other Internet users, Google will display a list of 2-5 additional questions with the most relevant answers found on the Internet. Here we’ve got an example with the keywords "who walked on the moon".

How are they indicated on SmartKeyword?

On SmartKeyword, the presence of rich snippets is shown in the Keywords table > My Keywords.

A summary of the number of rich snippets on the first Google page of all the keywords in your account is shown at the top right of the keyword table.

For each keyword, a column "rich snippets" indicates the presence and the type of rich snippet.

Each type of rich snippet is represented by a pictogram, respectively, Google Maps, Answer Box, Carousel, People also ask:

Be careful: these rich snippets are not necessarily yours, but simply indicate their presence on Google’s first results page.

See more articles on this topic:

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