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Cost per click, i.e. Google Ads auction
Cost per click, i.e. Google Ads auction
Written by Celina
Updated over a week ago

SmartKeyword tells you everything you need to know about the cost per click (CPC).

CPC is the cost per click for a given keyword when running Search Engine Optimization (SEA) campaigns.

What is the cost per click?

When we talk about cost per click, we are talking about SEA, i.e. paid search. It’s the average amount that Google charges for a click on a keyword for which you place a bid.

Google works on a bidding system and determines the price of a keyword based on what advertisers are willing to pay. The more competitive the keyword, the higher the CPC. Bids for "luxury watch" or "motorcycle cab" are much higher than "soccer".

Google Ads bids are one of the most used advertising methods on the internet today. And it accounts for the vast majority of Google's revenue.

Now you know everything about the cost per click for when you decide to run an SEA campaign...

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