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What are Open Graph tags?
What are Open Graph tags?

SmartKeyword tells you everything about Open Graph tags to optimize your SEO.

Written by Celina
Updated over a week ago

What is the Open Graph protocol?

The protocol that allows you to share content from a web page on social networks is called "Open Graph". The Open Graph (OG) data is a set of tags giving structured and rich information about the content of a page from a website. In other words, when a user clicks on a share button, the default information will be the one inserted in the OG tags.

How to set up Open Graph tags?

  1. Add the following line in your Html page:<html xmlns:og="">

  2. Add the meta tags with property and content attributes in the <head> tag, as for example below:

tag og:title

which corresponds to the title of your page, it must be less than 65 characters long: it is very similar to your classic Title tag!

tag og:description

which corresponds to a short description of your page, it must be less than 300 characters and it is very similar to your classic meta-description tag!

tag og:url

which corresponds to the url of your web page >> so try to optimize your url !

tag og:image

which represents the image of your page that will be shared on social networks = URL of the image that represents your page

tag og:site_name

which is the url of your site = global name of your website

Warning: not all tags are essential, but some are! You must absolutely specify the 4 tags: og:title, og:type, og:url, og:image

You can extract this information in your SmartKeyword account by going to "My Keywords" > "optimize" > "technical" then in the Open Graph section of the "Action Plan" for a given word.

The interest of Open Graph tags?

The impact of the Open Graph protocol is indirectly at the level of search engines. Originally, Open Graph tags are intended for use simply on social networks. Increasing the click-through rate generated on a website via social shares is of great business interest. Moreover, the Rankbrain being the 3rd criterion of relevance of Google, having for indices of influence the click rate, the Open Graph protocol becomes then indirectly a significant tool in your SEO strategy.

Moreover, you can also set up Twitter Cards to optimize and enrich your tweets with media data from your website.

Now you can start putting them in place!

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