Do you want to analyze a website’s robots.txt? We’re going to explain below what to look for and what corrections to make.
If you are still not sure what this robots.txt file is for and how to implement it, please refer to this article.
Your website does not have robots.txt
It is quite possible that a website does not have one. To verify, just search on a browser adding at the end of your domain URL "/robots.txt". Also check for it for each subdomain.
If you don't have robots.txt:
Do you need it? Check that you don't have any low value pages that you wouldn’t want to index. For example: shopping cart, your internal search engine’s search pages, etc.
If you need to, create the file according to the guidelines above.
Your website has a robots.txt
Open the file and simply check the blocked pages:
If pages are blocked when they should not be: remove them.
If there are missing pages that must be blocked: add them.
If the blocked pages are exactly the ones you inteded: that's fine, there is nothing to do.
Now you know everything about robots.txt’s analysis!
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