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Create a Google Search Console account
Create a Google Search Console account

SmartKeyword explains how to track organic traffic from Google via the Google Search Console

Amandine Akbaraly avatar
Written by Amandine Akbaraly
Updated over a week ago

Why have a Google Search Console account?

The Google Search Console was designed by Google to answer the following questions:

  • Did some requests bring more traffic to your website than others?

  • Are your product prices and company contact details or events highlighted in rich snippet’s results?

  • Is your content well indexed?

  • Is your mobile website well ranked in mobile search results?

Who is the Google Search Console for?

  • Company manager (who delegates)

  • SEO or marketing specialist

  • Site administrator

  • Web developer

  • Application developer

How do I create a Google Search Console account?

Creating an account is like integrating your website within the Search Console.

Step #1:

To create a Google Search Console account, you must have a Google account. If not, create one. Complete the registration form and accept the terms and conditions. Following this, you will receive a confirmation email to activate your account.

If you have a Google account, go to the next step.

Step #2:

Sign in to the Google Search Console and save it to your favorite pages so it’s easier to find it.

Step #3:

Click on "Add property" then enter the website's URL in the corresponding field. Then, validate by clicking on "Add property".

A domain property (on the left) is very useful, especially for tracking all your content’s indexing, including subdomains (if you have a blog on a subdomain for example). We recommend this solution to connect your domain ownership to the SmartKeyword account, which will then have access to all the data.

A property with a URL prefix can be more precise, if you want to partition the Search Console data only for the specified URLs.

Step #4:

There are several methods to validate your website’s ownership.

Note that if you choose a domain property in the previous step, only the method with DNS validation is possible.

The 1st method displayed by default by Google is to go through the HTML file (method which consists in having access to the website’s source code).

To do so:

  1. Download the validation file which has a unique number. Save it in your documents or on your desktop, without changing the file name.

  2. Upload the file to your website’s root.

  3. Make sure that the transfer was successful. If it’s the case, the imported validation file can be displayed in your browser as one of your site's web pages. This page’s URL should be: your domain name, followed by the name of the validation file. For example:

  4. Go back to the Google Search Console interface and validate.

Warning: do not delete the validation file at your domain’s root. Otherwise, you may no longer be able to access the data in Google Search Console.

The 2nd method (the easiest one) relies on modifying your DNS settings directly on the account that you have with your domain provider.

Select "Domain name provider" as below >> at the bottom of the property validation form.

You will be redirected to another page.

Choose your domain provider and then follow the steps given by your provider.

Warning: if you’ve got several websites, you must repeat steps 3 and 4 as many times as you have websites.

Do not forget to register your secure and unsecured site, and also your subdomains.


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